Monday, October 25, 2010

Prayer. Good or Bad?

I was reading a book today called "Crazy Love." In the first two chapters alone, it describes how insignificant we really are. Our existance alone is so quick that we are barely even a blip on the timeline. The book also goes further to tell us that we should put faith in God that He will take control over our lives and to ask Him for help if we need aid in life.

This got me thinking.

If I am so insignificant, which in reality I am, then who am I to come to God and ask for anything? Ever. So this proposed a question for me.

Am I worthy enough to ask God of anything?

We are taught to come to Him with our problems. That He will provide. In a way, I feel like coming to Him may be insulting. For example, think about Kings in past. How serious and fearful Kings used to be. If one of the servants/peasants approached the King and asked him if he would handle all their issues for him, I'm pretty sure the King would be insulted. The King would probably be like "Who do you think you are?" But he wouldn't say this in a joking matter. In fact, you can almost bet that if a servant asked a King to do "him" a favor, the King would probably put the servant in his place. The servant almost doesn't even have the right to speak.

With God, He is MUCH more important than a King of any sort. And in comparison, we are even less than a servant as we are merely a "vapor" in existance on the timeline. On the scale of God, we do not even exist. His glory is so unbelievable that we are nothing.

So I wonder (or even fear sometimes)... when I ask God to do silly things in my life; like blessing me with more money, let my team win the game... or wait... here's one.... forgive me of my sins... am I insulting him by even pretending my life and/or problems even matter in His divine plan of the Earth?

My place is at the feet of God (if I'm worthy enough). That can't be argued. That being said, do I really have the right to lift my head and ask Him to do me a quick favor? Who am I to dare ask God to serve me?

We are told its okay to pray and ask for His help, but to honor and respect Him... should we?

(FYI: No, I am not going to stop praying. I believe our God is a fair God and allows us these perks in following Him, unlike earthly Kings whom are just barbarians. So, yes... keep praying in my opinion. I just posted this because I thought it would be interesting to think about).