Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Unforgivable Sin

Can a sinner enter the gates of Heaven? As all of us are sinners and as Christians, we are frowned upon but allowed mistakes, yes we can still go to Heaven. However, what about an unforgivable sin.

mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation

What if someone has done this? Are they doomed for eternity already for a mistake like this?

When does this "damnation" count? What if someone commits this sin before they were a Christian and before they had knowledge?

Does this only apply to Christians?

What does this mean... to "blaspheme" the Holy Spirit? Does this mean to make fun and mock it. To speak against those who speak in "tongues?" Speaking in tongues is supposedly the Holy Spirit speaking through someone (look at my last post).

So, over all question for you... the reader: If you are a Christian, and you commit this sin; are you destined for Hell?

What do you think "blaspheme" against the Holy Spirit means?

Give me some constructive feedback people!


  1. Never really thought that seriously about it, but always thought of it as the same as using the Lords' name in vain. Enlighten me. LOVE this Blog!

  2. This very well could be talking about using the Lord's name in vain as well as other things. Here's the King James Version definition of the word "Blaspheme."

    To speak of the Supreme Being in terms of impious irreverence; to revile or speak reproachfully of God, or the Holy Spirit.

    The reason I even brought up Christians speaking in tongues was because there are many Christians out there who speak as if it were wrong, fake or even spooky/evil. According to the Bible, speaking in tongues is a sign of the Holy Spirit. To speak down or to go against this type of thing would be reviling (treating in a shameful insulting manner)to the Holy Spirit (which leads back to "blaspheme").

    But when looking at it in that sense, it does appear that its simply talking about speaking bad against God or the Holy Spirit or... like you said, using the Lord's name in vain. So you're absolutely right in my opinion that using the Lord's name in vain would be considered blasphemy.

    I'm glad you're reading the blog. Please express your thoughts on any and everything you wish.

    God Bless,

