Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Evolution of Man

Again, this is a very short blog. Just another something for evolution believers to think about.

Okay. Here's my basic question (argument). There are people who believe that the above diagram is an accurate example of how man came into existance.

My question about this: We still see "A" and "B" (monkies and gorrillas) walking around in the jungles and zoos. We see "F" all the time as us current humans portray this. If we see "B" and we see "F" all the time, then how come we don't see any "C's" D's" or "E's" walking around.

You would think if we really evolved, you would still see the mixed breeds (like figure "C")walking around (especially if we can still see the existance of "A" and "B"). I don't know about you, but to the best of my knowledge, we havn't exactly found a sasquatch (big foot) yet.



  1. All I can say to that is" Amen Brother"! That says it all. Like they say in court, if you can't find the prof there is no case.

  2. haha yeah ur right lol i never thought about that before!!!
