Don't be misguided by my title for this blog, you'll understand my title as you read further.
Wondering one day (as usual) about the Bible, I decided to ask my mom (very biblically trained woman) "Why did God create or allow to come into existance... evilness?"
I thought it was a pretty good question. God, the creator of all things and beings... had to, at some point, create evilness or at least allow it to be created by someone else.
My mother gave me what I believe was a great answer. She said:
"Mark. Imagine you had powers. Special awesome powers. With these powers you could do just about anything imaginable. Now think about your wife, Karen. If you could go back in time and wiggle your finger in the air and make her fall in love with you... would you? Literally brain wash her into loving you, instantly."
At first I was like "yeah... she'd be my slave... ha ha.."
Then she said, "Well here's the catch. After a little time goes by, and you actually really do love her, you'll start to wonder if she really actually loves or if its only because you brain washed her. Things would start to feel fake. You would never really feel loved because you know it's not real."
At this point, I began to understand where she was going with this. Then she concluded:
"This is why God has allowed evilness. To give us choice. If God wanted to, he could brain wash all of us into loving Him. But He doesn't. He wants to know who is real and who is fake. So God, standing at one of the spectrum stands with his arms open, and He puts Satan at the other end (the complete opposite of Himself). Then He puts "you" in the middle. This way, the ones who come to Him shows Him sincere love. When you feel "real" love, it's a much more meaningful feeling and relationship."
I have to say... once you sit and think about this... this was a great answer.
Bravo mama!
I have to also say, Bravo Mama.